Network inflow rates $u_v: \IR_{\geq 0} \to \IR_{\geq 0}$ for all nodes $v \neq t$ (piece-wise constant, finitely lasting with finitely many steps)
Inflow $f_e^+(\theta)$ \(\gt\) capacity $\nu_e$ \(\implies\) queues form at the start (with length \(q_e(\theta)\))
Behavioral Model
The current travel time at time \(\theta\) on edge \(e\) is \(c_e(\theta) := \tau_e + q_e(\theta)/\nu_e\).
A flow is in Instantaneous Dynamic Equilibrium (IDE) if the following holds: Whenever positive flow enters an edge, this edge must lie on a currently shortest path towards the respective sink (w.r.t. \(c\)).
Input: A single-sink network $\mathcal{N} = (G,\tau,\nu,u,t)$ Output: An IDE flow $f$ in $\mathcal{N}$ (1) Let $f$ be an IDE flow up to time $\theta = 0$
(2)While not all flow has reached $t$ Do
(3).. Extend $f$
(3) .. Assume all $f_e^{^-}$ constant on $[\theta,\theta+\alpha_0)$
IDE flows in single-sink networks terminate. [GHS, IPCO2019]
Only a finite number of extension phases is necessary...
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III. Finiteness
An Algorithm for Computing IDEs (in acyclic networks):
Input: An acyclic single-sink network $\mathcal{N}$ Output: An IDE flow $f$ in $\mathcal{N}$ (1) Let $f$ be an IDE flow up to time $\theta = 0$ (2)While not all flow has reached $t$ Do (3)..Sort nodes $\ell_{v_1}(\theta) \leq \ell_{v_2}(\theta) \leq \dots$ (4)..For $i = 1, \dots, n$ Do (5).... Find constant IDE extension of $f$ at $v_i$ (5) .... for some $[\theta,\theta+\alpha_i]$ (6).. Extend $f$ up to $\theta \coloneqq \theta\,+\,\min\Set{\alpha_i}$
Input: An acyclic single-sink network $\mathcal{N}$ Output: An IDE flow $f$ in $\mathcal{N}$ (1) Let $f$ be an IDE flow up to time $\theta = 0$ (2)Fix some topological order $v_1 \lt v_2 \lt \dots$ (3)While not all flow has reached $t$ Do (4)..For $i = 1, \dots, n$ Do (5)....Find constant IDE extension of $f$ at $v_i$ (5) .... for some $[\theta,\theta+\alpha_i]$ (6).. Extend $f$ up to $\theta \coloneqq \theta\,\,+$$\,\,\min\Set{\alpha_i}$
Input: An acyclic single-sink network $\mathcal{N}$ Output: An IDE flow $f$ in $\mathcal{N}$ (1) Let $f$ be an IDE flow up to time $\theta = 0$ (2) Fix some topological order $v_1 \lt v_2 \lt \dots$ (3)While not all flow has reached $t$ Do (4)..For $i = 1, \dots, n$ Do (5)....Find piecewise constant IDE extension (5) .... of $f$ at $v_i$ for $[\theta,\theta+1]$ (6).. Extend $f$ up to $\theta \coloneqq \theta\,\,+$$\,\,1$